Saúde psicológica e bem-estar 2024 | OSPBE/DGEEC xxv Concerning older students (5th to 12th grade, middle school, and high school), on the Satisfaction with Life scale, more than two-thirds of student’s satisfaction with life is equal to or greater than 7 out of 10 (76.4%), with an average of 7.6. The average satisfaction with life tends to decrease with age, with boys reporting more satisfaction with life than their female peers. On the Psychological Symptoms scale, more than a quarter of the students reported feeling irritable or short-tempered (30.2%), nervous (32.2%), and having trouble falling asleep (27.3%), and more than a fifth reported feeling sad (21.2%). The students showed statistically significant differences between the years of schooling, with the youngest (5th grade) showing lower average results and the girls higher results. On the Quality of Life scale, more than half of the students reported feeling happy and in a good mood (83.2%), calm and relaxed (73.8%), and active and energetic (73.9%), waking up refreshed and rested (55.3%), and filling their day with things that interest them (72.3%). On average, 5th graders have a more favourable result than the other grades, in a trend of decreasing perception of quality of life over age and schooling. Boys reported a higher quality of life. About the DASS scale (depression, anxiety, and stress), in general, there is a worsening trend in psychological symptoms of anxiety, depression, and stress throughout age and schooling, although not as straightforward as in the previous series of 2022. Girls showed higher scores for stress (5.6), depressive symptoms (4.6), anxiety (4.5), and the total score (14.5). The results for these 2nd, 3rd, and secondary school pupils are not directly comparable with those of the 2022 study since this 2024 series included 5th and 6th-year pupils. However, the results suggest an improvement in the situation since the symptoms of