Saúde psicológica e bem-estar 2024 | OSPBE/DGEEC 255 5. Encouraging schools and centres to raise awareness of the importance of joining the OSPBE, which regularly monitors and evaluates socio-emotional competencies, well-being, psychological health, and the school environment at a national level from a holistic perspective (pupils, adults, school climate, management, practices to promote socio-emotional competences at school level), including a focus on the continuous improvement of attitudes, pedagogical practices, and learning. 6. Identifying and optimising the management of psychological health care networks at the regional level (e.g., by activating and/or recruiting professionals in the field) and strengthening networks of psychologists at a national and regional level, including access to and use of digital platforms and other information and communication technologies. 7. The promotion of school clusters as "healthy workplaces" and their requirements, since the psychological health of the ecosystem can predict the well-being and psychological health of its inhabitants, teachers, students, and other professionals in the school and the likelihood that they will be more effective in their interaction and their learning-teaching mission. In this vein, it is specifically suggested that this topic be introduced in the initial training of educators and teachers. 8. An innovative vision of the school environment for students, making it a space for sharing time and experiences between peers, recognising the importance of these peer relationships in healthy development: spaces for meeting and debating, developing talents and interests in school and out-of-school activities, themed school activities selected by students, "playgrounds" for teenagers, managed by them and meeting their characteristics, needs, and interests, etc.