Saúde Psicológica e Bem-estar 2024

Saúde psicológica e bem-estar 2024 | OSPBE/DGEEC 253 2. Encouraging continuity in the learning of socio-emotional competencies in informal and inclusive learning contexts. 3. Encouraging the continued implementation of inclusive interventions that promote well-being and psychological health right from preschool education. 4. Encouraging the continued valorisation of student participation, establishing a student-to-student and teacher-to-student tutoring system, or creating Young Agents of Change Clubs in schools in informal and inclusive learning contexts. 5. Recognising the importance of peer socialisation among students and promoting spaces for meeting and sharing in the school environment, in formal and informal activities, with each other, with personalities, and with civil society bodies. 6. Encouraging the continued promotion of healthy and inclusive school ecosystems. 7. Encouraging continued commitment to developing the socio-emotional skills of teachers, school directors, and others involved in the school ecosystem. 8. Encouraging continuity in awareness-raising and self-care training for teachers. 9. Positive and inclusive disciplinary management associated with the promotion of socio-emotional competencies. 10. Encouraging continuity in creating genuine partnerships with families and communities based on the good experiences recorded in the field (a platform for sharing good practices has already been created by the Directorate-General for Education [DGE] and Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics [DGEEC]). 11. Promoting socio-emotional skills, valuing diversity and participation in the school ecosystem, and self-care in the initial training of future educators and teachers. 12. Encouraging continued commitment to the National Plans that already exist in schools since the relative lack of knowledge of these plans on the part of the school