Saúde psicológica e bem-estar 2024 | OSPBE/DGEEC 249 Who is participating? Students A total of 6112 student responses were considered: i) 1802 were pupils belonging to preschool education in the first cycle (first and second years), 50.2% male with a modal age of 6 years; ii) 1227 belong to the first cycle (3rd and 4th grades), 50.4% male with a modal age of 8 years; iii) 3083 were students from the second and third cycles of primary and secondary education, female (49.5%) with an average age of 13.6 years. Adults in the School Ecosystem i) 380 teachers, mostly female (75.5%), aged between 28 and 66 (51.1 years); ii) 53 psychologists, mostly female (88.7%) aged between 23 and 61 (42.6 years); iii) 118 operational, administrative, and other health and education assistants, mostly female (92.4%), aged between 24 and 65 (49.1%); iv) 94 teachers in leadership, management, or coordination positions, primarily female (62.8%), aged between 38 and 65 (53.3 years); and v) 347 parents, primarily female (81.3%), aged between 18 and 70 (39.5 years).