Saúde psicológica e bem-estar 2024 | OSPBE/DGEEC 247 Messages to keep Framework for the OSPBE/DGEEC study The Observatory of Psychological Health and Well-Being (OSPBE) was created by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation and the Directorate-General for Education and Science Statistics (DGEEC), and is coordinated by Professor Margarida Gaspar de Matos. Its main objective is to monitor psychological health and well-being indicators in Portuguese schools to develop intervention proposals tailored to identified needs, and their respective implementation and evaluation. The first OSPBE/DGEEC study, completed in 2022, provided significant insights into the students' psychological health and well-being from preschool (5 years old) to 12th grade and their teachers. The study revealed that older female students and teachers with more years of service faced more significant challenges. It also identified key protective factors, such as solid socioemotional skills and a healthy lifestyle, including physical activity, quality sleep, moderate use of screens for students, communication and support between colleagues, and the quality of school leadership for teachers. Following this initial study, we conducted case studies in participating schools. The results reaffirmed the need for interventions such as school-community liaison, early intervention strategies, strengthening teacher-student relationships, parental empowerment, integrating socioemotional learning, the importance of active student participation and the importance of a national monitoring system (such as OSPBE/DGEEC). These results suggest the need to expand monitoring to all agents in the school ecosystem. A complementary research of volunteer school clusters found that adequate, articulated acts with transformative potential were absent while psychological health was valued. This study resulted in