Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 99 management carried out in the context of a collaborative group and the different initiatives of the group in the development of innovative practices involving the development of exploratory tasks are likely to generate important evolutions for the teacher’s professional practice and facilitate the sustainability of a culture of collaboration. Although this dynamic work may cause difficulties to the teacher, it seems to encourage their involvement in the teaching and learning process, promote professional development as well as the ability to accept new challenges (Nunes, 2014). In this paper we focused the work made by the mathematics’ teachers and math experts. Methodology This study used an exploratory mixed methods research design, combining the quantitative and qualitative components of a research design (Greene, 2007; Creswell, 2009). This design was more appropriate because we wanted to explore and to explain the nature of teachers’ challenges when developing Mathematics’ curriculum while planning and producing video lessons, in the context of #EstudoEmCasa project. The ongoing research was conducted in three phases over a 10-month period, September to June. The data were collected sequentially, using the video lesson design process framework, to explore and to explain patterns that emerged in teacher´s participation. Google Forms, TEAMS and ZOOM analytics was employed to provide information about teacher needs and regular meetings. This research is also supported on the observation of the broadcasting lessons to support the feedback to the teachers as a tool to improve and correct mathematics’ communication during teaching and learning processes. In this paper we present the study with the participating of eight mathematics’ teachers that work in the #EstudoEmCasa project and two case studies. One teacher, Paulo, with 25 years of teaching experience and another, Carina, with 4 years of teaching experience. Results Project working method The process Project working processes has 7 phases (Fig. 1). It starts with a year plan and the lesson structure made by the math teacher, according to the national math curriculum and national students’ profile standards at the end of school certification. When the materials are organized it occurs the 1st scientific and pedagogical revision made by one specialised project coordinator, usually supported by a web meeting.