Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 98 Keywords: Keywords: Mathematics Curriculum| collaboration |lessons to TV broadcasting and online platforms. Introduction Since the beginning of this century that the technological leap in education has been imposed. During 2019 Pandemic context impose a challenging and creative response in Education. Around the country most of the Portuguese families did not have computer and internet connection at home to provide home lessons using online platforms. As a politic response, Portuguese government decide to retrieve with an old but successful strategy: TV Broadcasting lessons. With #EstudoEmCasa Project the National Curriculum have been transformed in 28 minutes lessons generating multiple opportunities not online in Portugal but also in international Portuguese schools and communities as the CPLP countries. In this project we have a coordination team with 7 members and a specific team for its development with more than 65 teachers of primary and secondary education, specialized technicians and 5 Portuguese sign language interpreters. Basic and Secondary Education followed the school calendar defined by the Ministry of Education. The daily contents in basic education have limited time, in blocks of about 28 minutes, in a total of 75 weekly blocks, fulfilling most of the curricular components, organized disciplinary and interdisciplinary. Secondary Education is structured in 75 weekly blocks, with contents that are part of Essential Learning organized in thematic sequences, which can be addressed sequentially or in isolation. Thus, these blocks can be used as reinforcement of learning in a synchronous and/or asynchronous context, both for the autonomous work of students and for the enrichment of teachers' teaching resources. The daily contents have limited time, in blocks of about 30 minutes, fulfilling most of the curricular components of the scientific-humanistic courses (from the 10th to the 12th year) and professional courses (from the 1st to the 3rd year). These challenges require teachers to work collaboratively, with the aim of frame and solve the many problems that arise in developing and adjusting the curriculum. It also requires the ability to reflect on teaching practice and students’ learning, creating dynamics that promote their professional development and the school culture (Hargreaves, 1998; Nunes, 2014). The results show that curriculum