Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 97 Challenges developing mathematics curriculum in lessons to TV broadcasting and online platforms: the Portuguese case study* Cláudia Canha Nunes e Ana Isabel Silvestre Abstract The purpose of this study is to identify teachers' challenges developing Mathematics curriculum while planning and producing video lessons to TV Broadcasting and online platforms, as a Portuguese response during the pandemic context. The Portuguese Government in partnership with the public television RTP, created the project #EstudoEmCasa, through the issuance of educational content aimed at basic and secondary education, during Pandemic Covid-19 context. Not configuring itself with a substitute offer, the #EstudoEmCasa project aims to keep the school close to every student, thus enabling an articulation between the work developed and to be developed by teachers in each of their educational communities. As a mathematics curriculum manager, the teacher faces new challenges during Pandemic Covid-19 context. To provide math contents to video lessons, teachers as to work in collaboration reinforcing trust, which is necessary for innovation, as well as to improve effectiveness, reduce overload, situate certainty, and offer opportunities to learn. The structure of collaborative work is quite demanding since all actors are necessary. This work does not demand a complex logistics but requires a real experience, sharing time, concerns, knowledge, expectations, and devotedness. This sharing work enables to build better strategies to overcome difficulties and problems, and a trust feeling which transforms a problem into an added value. This study follows a qualitative and quantitative approach, with a case study design. This study focuses on the group of eight math teachers of the project from grades 1 to 12. The preliminary results show that the group of mathematics teachers designed video lessons to TV Broadcasting and online platforms, based on problem-based learning, building resources from scratch. We believe that this experience may be a reference for the management of the curriculum by schools, in future crises and times of stability. *In Proceedings of EDULearn2021, 5 e 6 de Julho de 2021. Disponível em