Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 94 other resources to more advanced students. At the end of the class, the teacher asked some multiplechoice questions to the students about the contents covered and the results were very positive. The students were very receptive and, most, liked the resources and recognized their usefulness for strengthening learning. In K-12 class, two resources were selected: “Derivative and monotony of a function” and “Second Derivative and concavities”, and it was proposed to all students to access the resources, outside the classroom, and perform the proposed tasks. Given that the objective of these resources is the recovery of very specific learning, and that not all students had difficulties in these contents, the teachers’ balance is positive. Most students liked the videos and thought the explanations and tasks were simple and allowed them to review what was taught. Some students wanted more exercises because they were waiting for the resources to allow them to train procedures and consolidate learning. The undifferentiated application of resources and after teaching and consolidation of content proved to be a less positive aspect for some of the students. The results from 44 questionnaires show that 93% of students would recommend the #EstudoEmCasa Apoia platform resources to other peers and 87% consider the resources useful and with simple and clear instructions. However, 73% acknowledge that they do not view the introductory videos of the tasks. Conclusions From students’ opinions the activities should provide explanations about the correct answers instead of just presenting them, so one can understand what did wrong. Data suggests students’ autonomy in studying and ease use of technology. These are associated with the perception of effectiveness of the resources in recovering/ consolidating learning. Following students and teachers’ suggestions, and to improve efficiency in communication with students striving to study autonomously, resources are being improved with an increase in opportunities to regulate learning both through self-correcting exercises and automatic feedback. As researchers we conclude that, although the experience has been very useful and the balance is very positive, it is important to highlight some aspects to improve, namely, using more intuitive interactive tasks with short instructions, and to provide more systematic feedback, which allows the student to be at a certain level of learning (Redondo, Rodríguez, Escobar & Vilas, 2021).