Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 92 Introduction To help overcome learning fragilities that resulted from the emergency distant schooling that took place during the first COVID19 lockdown, in March 2020 the Portuguese Ministry of Education, together with RTP, the Portuguese television broadcast channel, created the EstudoEmCasa (“StudyAtHome”) project. It aimed at creating, recording, and broadcasting lessons from different subjects and school years. When schools reopened in 2021, this project evolute to a digital platform - #EstudoEmCasa Apoia (“StudyAtHome Support”) and started focusing on the recovery of lost learnings during the pandemic. This platform now lodges hundreds of digital educational contents - escape rooms, webinars, podcasts, quizzes, games, online courses, and many others - aiming mostly learning recovery. Redondo, Rodríguez, Escobar & Vilas (2021) define microlearning approach as a technique for distance learning, provided in small amounts of curriculum content topics that students can assimilate in short time periods with diversity and interactive formats. These challenges require teachers to work collaboratively, with the aim of frame and solve the many problems that arise in developing and adjusting the curriculum to microlearning approach. It also requires the ability to reflect on teaching practice and students’ learning, creating dynamics that promote their professional development and the school culture (Hargreaves, 1998; Nunes, 2014). Leong, Sung, Au & Blanchard (2021) highlight some of the key benefits of using microlearning approach that include, (1) better retention of concepts, (2) better engagement for learners, (3) improving learners’ motivation, (4) engaging in collaborative learning and (5) improving learning ability and performance. To evaluate the impact on students’ learning with microlearning, some of its mathematics’ materials, six sequential algebra digital resources regarding trigonometric functions were provided to two school’ teachers, who, following different didactical approaches, presented them to fifteen K-11 and 44 k-12 students. K-11 group of students explored the resources engaged in the learning activities in the classroom, individually or in pairs. K-12 group of students worked at home autonomously. Methodology This study used an exploratory mixed methods research design, combining the quantitative and qualitative components of a research design (Greene, 2007; Creswell, 2009). This design was more appropriate because we wanted to explore resources with students and their math teachers’. This study