Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 88 Also, the teachers referred that they were surprised with the potential of these resources and the activity of the role play: “allowed to address several essential learnings from the curricula of Biology, Geology, Physics and Chemistry, but also from the field of citizenship, in particular environmental education for sustainability. In addition, students had to do research, critically analyze the information collected and organize it with criteria, but also problem solving and interpersonal relationship” [Teacher 3]. One teacher emphasis that “the role play was lived with intensity and fun. For me with a teacher it was a pleasant surprise. On the other hand, I was able to evaluate the students’ learning, using scientific language in appropriate contexts. These resources have been incredible autonomous learning boosters” [Teacher 4]. All work and knowledge were shared in a final student’s forum that take place in Lisbon (June 2022), with the presence of specialists and politics. Students voice for the sustainability and defense of the Ocean was compiled in a document that was delivered at the 2nd United Nations Conference on the Oceans. Conclusions Evidence shows that the creation process is not centered on elementary learnings, as it aims at being interconnected with the context(s) the knowledge acquired will be applied to, as well as with other curriculum areas. At the same time, most of the microlearning contents available on the platform were created having in mind an aggregator concept, based on the construction of a narrative (storytelling) that allows students to study a learning sequence where each resource is not closed within itself, but rather continues to another one, may it be from the same subject or another one. This is the example of the resources from the “In defense of the Ocean” project and role play. From all teachers, generally, its resources have as a strong point, the presentation of diversity of knowledge to solve a problem, having mobilized the work of its students through the production of home videos as result of research. Teachers’ recording scripts are detailed, always including the indications suggested by the team to improve the understanding of students. Whenever it was possible, manipulate materials and different applications are used. Thought the year, there is a significant improvement in the quality of microlearning resources as result of research guidelines (Redondo, Rodríguez, Escobar & Vilas, 2021; Leong, Sung, Au & Blanchard, 2021). Results sustain the importance of continuing with the projects of #EstudoEmCasa@Apoia platform as a catalyst for the participation of students, giving voice to students and promoting the competencies of