Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 87 Microlearning contents as autonomous learning boosters With the “In defense of the Ocean” project developed by #EstudoEmCasa Apoia platform, opportunities have been created to discuss this theme through webinars and with the realization of a role play. Other initiatives and actions converge to this project. The objectives of this project are: 1) to promote ocean literacy; 2) foster attitudes conducive to their protection; 3) develop essential learning and competencies of the student's profile when leaving compulsory schooling. To achieve the proposed objectives, a role play was built with seven characters representing various sectors of activity linked to the Ocean. Seven webinars were held each representative of each of the themes and which are compiled in an ebook, as microlearning resources. These webinars have had experts from different areas to help students and teachers understand the problems that affect the ocean to find solutions to support their sustainable development. These sessions also functioned as a starting point for the construction of several educational resources that enriched the project in defense of the ocean. The project also adds educational resources developed by students from partner schools making known the work they have developed. The target audience is the educational community, students and teachers of national and international schools, various researchers, and other project partners, such as the "Blue School" (of the international network of blue schools). The school dynamics began with the presentation of the activity and the roles were distributed by the groups. The students prepared their presentation and held a discussion in which each group defended and argued their point of view. Subsequently, they prepared a document with the final summary of the discussion. The students’ statements evidence the importance of these resources and activities: “It was very productive. These activities give us voice and knowledge so that we can be citizens that are defenders of the sustainability of the planet" [Student 1]. Another student referred, “we have been involved in several discussions, but above all we achieve to solutions and consensus” [Student 2]. The importance of webinar resources was also stressed, “I learned a lot of things I didn't know, although It was linked to contents of science and physics and chemistry subjects” [Student 3]. More, "what we learn here and discuss we will take out there, to our families and friends” [Student 4].