Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 86 Resources can contain curriculum microlearning content from one or more disciplines, organized in multiple sections: a mandatory section - "activity" and the other four are optional - evaluate, reflect, explore, and share. Each of the sections is designed and created to lead the student in a sequential learning and using the different approaches using short videos, podcasts, activities, games, scape rooms, webinars, quizzes, among others. At the end of each resource is presented a new proposal for appeal that, whenever possible, is articulated with the same theme or curriculum content designated "And now…". Some of the videos are produced by the team project and involving different phases of creation starting with a script and ending with the video realization, using audio, scenarios, and narratives, involving a multidisciplinary technician, as multimedia and audio, and teachers. When the materials are organized it occurs the scientific and pedagogical revision made by one project coordinator, usually supported by a web meeting. At the third phase the teacher has the opportunity to reformulate the resource and upload it on the #EstudoEmCasa Apoia platform. Some of the teachers shared that this is a challenged work: “For the teacher the challenge is to overcome himself, creating interesting resources, triggers of interest, autonomous use, but with scientific correction. The concern is related to the time of concentration of the students and the challenging intention of learning autonomously, without the teacher having the feedback in a timely manner. Give tools that the student can use and motivate him to know how to do it, doing. Thus, the resources must be interactive, short, dynamic, current, and correct” [Teacher 1]. Another teacher shared, “the conception and creation processes of microlearning contents let us recognize that the knowledge of the teacher's technological means is often outdated in relation to the student, so creativity, pertinence, actuality, and 'capacitating' are fundamental elements to attract a population that is often not motivated. In essence, what motivates and challenges us, which causes us difficulties, increasing the fact that we do not know if we are being successful because it lacks the teacher-student interconnection that the classroom allows” [Teacher 2] Other challenges mention by the teachers’ is the collaborative work involving the revision process and external validation of all work. For most of this teachers’ this is a new working method that challenges each of them to be able to integrate feedback from pears and experts but also to expose their difficulties. Nevertheless, everyone recognizes the importance of this method as a catalyst learning processes and teachers’ development.