Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 103 Conclusions The greatest challenge for the teacher is the time required to build video classes that allow learning with understanding of mathematics and autonomous form by students. The two teachers overcame this challenge in different ways. Paulo, an experienced teacher, brought together a collaborative group consisting of mathematics, music and multimedia teachers, his school and other schools, as well as external experts. This group ensured the choice of robust tasks and used digital and multimedia resources. For the quality of video classes contributed the good mathematical and didactic knowledge of the teacher, which I am mobilizing the contributions of the group elements to a good communication (clarity, objectivity) of mathematical ideas. Carina is a teacher with a few teachings experience who does not yet belong to a permeant school and math group of teachers in a school, that support her practices. In spite of everything she had internal and external math experts of the project to support her work, that she has been able to mobilise the suggestions given to her in an informal and formal communication regime. From both teachers, generally, its blocks have as a strong point, the presentation of diversity of tasks to solve a problem, having mobilized the work of its students through the production of home videos. Their recording scripts are detailed, always including the indications suggested by the experts in order to improve the understanding of students. Whenever it was possible, manipulate materials and mathematical applications are used. Throughout the year, there is a significant improvement in the quality of mathematical communication, because good video lessons result from the teacher thinking about his speech in advance. The results show that the group of mathematics teachers designed video lessons to TV Broadcasting and online platforms, based on problem-based learning, building resources from scratch. We believe that this experience may be a reference for the management of the curriculum by schools, in future crises and times of stability. For the team of researchers is crucial that math language is simple to be understood by the students but also rigorous math ideas. The preliminary results also show the significant impact of the collaborative work at the quality on the TV Broadcasting lessons. We can highlight the richness that comes from collaborative work as the ability to share experiences, to build tasks, to evaluate your application is something that has enriched us and that is transuding in each block