Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 102 an essential collaborative work basis for everyone to feel a determining part of the process. In the weekly meetings also participated themembers of the research team. Finally, Paulo refers that this is an essential team so that specific aspects of language, scientific correction, the discovery of language or math imperfections or aspects linked to the television broadcasting process are anticipated and resolved: “Anyway, it was the understudy of certainty that together we are more than the sum of our parts”. The case of Carina Carina has only 4 incomplete years of teaching experiences. Since the beginning of the project, she has been leaning a lot working with the math teachers’, the project coordinators and math experts. From is experience in the participation in this project she refers that at the beginning part of this project has allowed her to be evolve a lot professionally. She can highlight three of the main learnings that have proved fundamental to the "success" of the thematic blocks: i) the early planning of essential content/learning; ii) the research and/or creation of relevant mathematical tasks and their exploration, anticipating/predicting the different strategies that can be used by students, directing the focus of the task to these same strategies; and iii) the rigorous analysis by a team of experts, which allows her to reflect on the proposed strategies and on her own practice, which makes it possible for her to improve these two aspects. Carina also identified three moments when she has incorporated expert suggestions in her practice: i) the exploration of different strategies and resolutions of the same task; ii) the use of different types of tasks (investigations, explorations, problems and exercises); and iii) the use of digital applets/tools in mathematics teaching. She also highlights the information provided by the experts is one of the essential parts of this project. The team of experts analyses the proposals submitted in the light of the advisory documents, suggests changes, also presents to her other tasks that we can be used as well as strategies that they consider important to explore in the TV broadcasting lesson, thus improving the quality of the lessons/materials produced. The feedback from the team of experts makes us reflect on the nature of the tasks we propose and, on our practice, allowing us to improve progressively.