Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 101 One of challenges mention by the teachers’ is the collaborative work involving the revision process and external validation of all work. For most of this teachers’ this is a new working method that challenges each of them to be able to integrate feedback from pears and experts but also to expose their difficulties. Nevertheless, everyone recognizes the importance of this method as a catalyst learning processes and teachers’ development. Teachers work The case of Paulo Paulo is a 25 years of teaching experience and he is also a mathematics textbook author. From is experience in the participation in this project he refers three important challenges and opportunities. First one, that the establishment of a diversified team allowed him to expose the personal experiences of each expert enriching each block with different looks and perspectives. Second one, the collaborative work allowed that in each block were presented proposals of tasks with different focuses, approaches and mathematical experiences. Third one, the team met weekly, in ZOOM or TEAMS digital platform, in collaborative group, for two purposes: to close the blocks that would be recorded that week and plan the blocks of the following week. Each element of this community of practice had a well-delineated and assumed role by everyone, from blocks structure to the preparation of challenges, to the multimedia work inherent to each block or to the construction of the resources we would use. It is important to refer that this community of practice was composed with part of the mathematics school teachers, but also collaborators from other schools and teachers from other subjects, in the case of multimedia and music, in a total of six teachers’, most of them on a voluntary basis. Paulo highlights that the team took advantage of the so-called “tertulia’s” to discuss didactic and methodological aspects, but also scientific issues. There are several examples of tasks, approaches and tools that have been the subject of analysis, discussion and implementation, for example Algebra Tiles, the use of Dynamic Geometry Environments, such as Geogebra, or the use of different programs or applications, such as the as the spreadsheet, or the use of programming, such as Scracth. The sharing work is used to articulate the different tasks and give coherence to the approach of each moment of learning. Aspects such as Problem Solving, Mathematical Reasoning or Mathematical Communication were thus observed by different actors and their contributions allowed to enrich the work developed. During the week, they maintained constant contacts between the different actors on