Estudo Autónomo... Acredita és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes

Estudo Autónomo... Acredita, és capaz! Percursos, Metas e Horizontes 100 At the third phase the teacher has the opportunity to reformulate the lesson. After this reformulation there's a second scientific and pedagogical revision made by external math experts and also with the cooperation of the coordinator of the project. When the lesson materials are finished there's a language review so the materials can have the final validation. This process and after they are prepared to be recording in broadcasting to the broadcasting TV lessons Figure 1 - Project working methodology This work is supported by Experienced teachers’ and mathematics education experts who can identify the mathematical richness of a situation and design or adapt tasks to challenge students, i.e. give them a virtual experience of asking "why", finding a useful answer for themselves, and see how mathematical ideas are related and applied flexibly. Difficulties and challenges In this project two major difficulties were identified. The first, directly related to the planning of thematic pedagogical blocks. That is, to manage the curriculum based on the recommendations in the different curriculum documents and present innovative proposals and promotes the autonomy of the students in their individual learning work. The second was the ability to produce materials for 28 creative minutes and able to fix the attention of the public, distributed for 4 great phases: i) an initial moment, capable of challenging the student to think about a problem situation; (ii) a moment of exploration of mathematical concepts that allow the clarification of the problem situation; iii) a time to consolidate learning with situations that allow the student to regulate their learning; and iv) a moment to end with a synthesis and self-assessment of knowledge. No less difficult, was the management of time, namely planning and feeding the entire process of production, review, validation and recording of the blocks. The teachers were challenged and go beyond the proposals presented in the different textbooks or materials of the publishers, promoting the involvement of different partners of civil society, cultural and scientific, but also with the construction of a work focused on domains of curricular autonomy, involving different subjects. The purpose of this project is to release resources that represent different approaches and proposals that the students have usually in the classroom or at school context.