E-book Saúde Psicológica e Bem-estar

Saúde Psicológica e Bem-estar | Observatório Escolar 27 Executive summary Psychologically speaking, girls are in a more precarious position than boys. With this model, we can add that not only do they exhibit a worsening situation in terms of higher psychological distress indicators, but also in terms of lower life satisfaction. Overall, the psychological distress of older students is worse than that of younger students. According to this model, increasing age (here assumed through the proxy "year of schooling") is associated with decreased life satisfaction and elevated psychological distress. Girls are likelier to report symptoms, even when they report a high level of life satisfaction, whereas boys are likelier to report no symptoms, even when they report a low level of life satisfaction. In addition, younger people are more likely to report high life satisfaction, regardless of whether they have psychological symptoms, whereas older people are more likely to report low life satisfaction, regardless of whether they have psychological symptoms. This dynamic indicates that it is necessary to consider not only the extreme situations of "complete health" and "complete distress" at the intersection of these two situations but also situations in which only one of the situations is present (reduced psychological symptoms and high life satisfaction or marked psychological symptoms with low life satisfaction). When other indicators of psychological well-being (perceived quality of life and various socioemotional skills) and health behaviors (adequate sleep, physical activity, and screen time) are considered, this pattern repeats itself, favoring students in a state of complete psychological wellbeing (high life satisfaction and reduced psychological symptoms) while making students in a state of complete psychological distress (low life satisfaction and severe psychological symptoms) more vulnerable. This study also confirms that the dimensions of life satisfaction and the absence of psychological distress symptoms are essential for a state of complete psychological well-being. Furthermore, these findings suggest that the symptoms of psychological distress (even when life satisfaction is high) become more pronounced throughout schooling, particularly among girls,